Monday, May 31, 2010


"I’d drawn constantly since childhood: large drawings of every creature alive in the ocean; Spanish missions with Indians camping in the foreground, in the background Spanish men throwing cowhides over a cliff to a waiting ship; hundreds of Cinderellas on five-by-eight pads, all alike but with varying hair color and dresses."-Jennifer Bartlett


  1. i love these! especially the first one.. that's the story of my life right now...i.e. when we had a bbq with the wanlasses yesterday, and i wanted to stay longer and talk to becca, but i had work this morning.

    i'm glad you are posting on your blog again :)

  2. I know, I have been so lazy about my blog lately. It's because I've gotten so busy, but I miss having time for it, I don't research enough artwork unless I'm posting here.

    :( I want more time to do what I love.
