Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Big Mouth Strikes Again

the fall > joy division
and I think that the fourth gender would agree with me (though "incredibly boring" may be a bit harsh)

Endless Pretension

what brand of Clove cigarettes were you smoking when you wrote this one "Dr." Thorpe? Better stock up before 2010, you'll have to go to Mexico--best to avoid being surrounded by all those Smiths Fans. But I will make a few concessions- "Meat is Murder" is way over the top, the meat sizzling in the frying pan was too much. That, and Pavement is terrible.


  1. i agree about pavement...they are boring. joy division has some great moments though that mark e. smith could not duplicate throughout his career. i have also heard from a friend of mine (a friend of a friend recorded with Mark, and mentioned he had made a series of racist statements throughout the process). don't get me wrong, i love the fall, but i'm more into the two records that joy division did, a lot more.

  2. oh, and i like Meat Is Murder. that record brought me into the world of the smiths (it was the only smiths record i found when i went record shopping at this place by my house...purchased the day after christmas...the store is absolutely awful so i don't go there anymore).

  3. no not the whole album just the song "meat is murder" seriously the sizzling meat in the background is terrible.

    and I'm not saying I dislike joy division at all, I actually LOVE joy division, but I think the fall pulled the sound off way better. also, you know joy division got their name from a nazi term for the section of concentration camps where they raped women right? so of course they are racist.and probably also anti semetic. although i guess if you read the article i posted a link to you already know that.
